Dear West Norwalk Residents,
Happy first day of Spring! Even though it feels more like winter today. Soon enough, there will be flowers blooming, birds chirping, kids playing ball, and a lot more folks out and about enjoying the beauty of our neighborhood!
For the next meeting, we will have a representative from Home Comfort Practice to talk to us about what they do. Essentially, they are a company affiliated with Energize CT that will come out to your home and perform an energy audit on your house at either no cost or very cheap. They will explain more. This is a presentation that you will NOT want to miss!
Next, Sarah Kline, president of the West Norwalk Meeting House will update us on the progress she has made on the meeting house and go into detail what the plan for it may be. Let’s all rally around her and help her in any way that we can so that this great West Norwalk landmark can be preserved and given new life!
Lastly, we will discuss the Spring cleanup scheduled for April 20th. Hope you all can make it to this event. Lets help keep our neighborhood beautiful by volunteering an hour or two of our time!
The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 1st (and no, that’s not a joke!) at 7:30 in the Fox Run Elementary School Library. We hope to see many familiar and new faces in attendance!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the board ( and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
The West Norwalk Association Board of Directors
West Norwalk Association: Monthly Meeting Agenda
April 1, 2024
Fox Run Elementary
7:30 Sign in, welcome, volunteer to take minutes.
Sign-ups for spring cleanup
7:35 Guest Speaker: Home Comfort Practice
7:50 Q+A
8:00 Update re: West Norwalk Meeting House
8:15 New Business
Discuss spring cleanup Saturday, April 20
Planning for Spring/Summer social- possible date May 16
8:30 Wrap up.
Next Meeting:
May 6, 2024
Guest Speaker Topic: TBD