West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
October 7, 2003
Minutes West Norwalk Association Board of Directors Meeting
October 7th, 2003
President Peter O’Hara called the meeting of the West Norwalk Association to order at 7:31 pm
Board Members Present: Peter O’Hara, Chris Bryan, James Forcellina, Frank Bolton, Robert Wagman, Gigi Schmidt, Penny Hoffman, Jim Hirshfield, Manuel Llorca, Peggy Yff, Jeffrey Konspore, John Voorhis, and David Frishkorn.
WNA Neighbors Present: Patricia Wratten – 48 Douglas Dr. E-mail: [email protected]
Regular Meeting
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes of May 5th, 2003: The minutes of May 5th were presented and Manuel Llorca, made a motion to accept the minutes which was seconded by Bob Wagman. It passed with majority. Jeffrey Konspore abstained.
A discussion followed with regards to the attendance of the association and the proper way to notify, record, and correct possible absences. Jeffrey Konspore talked about the previous three strikes rule that was implemented in the association with a question of reinstatement, or perhaps having the President of the association talk to repeatedly absentees.
Chris Bryan noted that all future minutes and agendas hopefully will be available on the WNA website in the future and asked directors to please register if they have not already.
Treasurer’s Report: David Frishkorn presented the month’s activities as $1050 was added in membership dues and other deposits while $458 was paid to catering for the WNA annual meeting. This ended the month with a balance of $2,042. Penny Hoffman made a motion to accept the financial report which was seconded by John Voorhis. The motion passed unanimously.
Communications: A discussion of possible fundraising for the association occurred with directors talking about methods of getting the West Norwalk neighbors to contribute to the association. Frank Bolton noted at the annual meeting that the association had less than 3% participation from the residents. Some ideas suggested where:
- Soliciting local businesses
- Newsletter donation solicitation
- Red Stamping the newsletter with a ‘DUES’ notification.
- Residential Direct Mailing
- A Letter from the president.
- Using a return envelope specifically.
- Possible street captains
- Pot luck dinners and / or cooking classes coordinated with the Norwalk Community College or other partner.
The main idea encompassed the value that the residents receive with their contribution. It was agreed that a letter from the president would occur from nominee Penny Hoffman directing them to the website with return letter creation from Peggy Yff.
A notice was made that when mailings do occur that the address should say “Or current residents” to allow a wrongs name address to be delivered.
Website: A motion was made by Jeff Konspore and seconded by Chris Bryan to purchase a one year hosting agreement and domain registration for the West Norwalk Association. The key names to be considered were www.westnorwalk.org and www.westnorwalk.com. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Konspore and Chris Bryan were appointed by Peter O’Hara to come up with a type of moderation method for the board.
More discussion followed and Frank Bolton said that he was willing to take on the personal responsibility of approaching some of the local businesses on behalf of the WNA to help increase its balance.
David Frishkorn and Patricia Wratten stated they would look into ideas for social situations for the association as well to help with fundraising.
Dolce: It was mentioned by Peter O’Hara that Dolce International the new owners of the Prudential property were possibly interested in hosting a ‘Holiday Party’ with the West Norwalk Association. A discussion ensued in regards to staying objective and previous relations with Prudential themselves and the new owners. It was suggested that either coordinating a mailing or perhaps seeking a donation would be a possible course of action, but could unease some neighbors. Peter said he would call Dolce and get back to the association for a possible date. It was voted by a majority that December 1st would be the date that would be discussed.
Nominations for Officers of the WNA:
A motion was made to accept the proposed officers for the association. They are as follows:
Penny Hoffman – President
Manuel Llorca – Vice-President
David Frishkorn – Treasure
Chris Bryan – Secretary
The motion passed unanimously.
Another motion was made by Manuel Llorca to allow Bob Wagman and Peter O’Hara to try to coordinate with other possible Norwalk associations or communities to create a collaborative group; it was seconded by Penny Hoffman. It passed unanimously.
A motion to adjourn was made by Manuel Llorca. It was seconded by Penny Hoffman and unanimously approve. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Bryan
Upcoming Calendar:
November 3rd, 2003 WNA Monthly Meeting
December 1st, 2003 Dolce International Holiday Party
Subject to change without notice
Please send all notices of upcoming West Norwalk events to the West Norwalk Forums: