West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
October 3, 2011
Minutes of the West Norwalk Association
October 3, 2011
Board Members present were: Joel Zaremby, Galen Wells, Ron Brown, Linda Forcellina, Chris Potts, Regina Krummel, Donna Dolle and Anthony Carrano. Gay MacLeod and Ken D’Arinzo, were guests.
President, Joel Zaremby, called the meeting to order at 7:36. He welcomed the Board and visitors to the meeting.
Galen Wells presented the minutes of the August meeting. Regina Krummel moved to accept the minutes and Linda Forcellina seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously accepted with the following corrections. The follow corrections were made. Donna’s name is spelled Dolle and Brien is the correct spelling for Brien McMahon
Linda Forcellina presented the Treasurer’s Report. Most of the revenue came from the newsletter and paid 2010 dues. The cost of the annual meeting came in at $694.66. Chris Potts moved to accept the Treasurers Report and Donna seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted.
Margaret Karl resigned from the Board
Joel said his good bys to the Board, thanking all who served with him.
Gay MacLeod and Ken Ken D’Arinzo were nominated to the Board. Peggy Girard was also nominated. The Board voted to vote for her to put her on the Board even though she was not present at the meeting. All three were elected to the Board unanimously.
Joel presented the officers for the next term. Chris Potts as President, Peggy Girard as Vice President, Galen Wells as Secretary, Gay MacLeod as Assistant Secretary, Donna Dolle as Treasurer. All were elected unanimously
Chris took over the meeting as president at 9:00. He thanked Joel for all of his long and successful service to the Association. He also thanked Bob Wagman for his long service.
Linda said she had arranged to use Fox Run for our meetings through next June.
Chris brought up the idea of the Association having a blog in the Norwalk Citizen. Lydia Ryan is the Community Content Coordinator and it is she who asked us if we wanted to blog. Chris will contact her and invite her to a meeting. Ron Brown suggested that we put the good article about us that appeared in the Norwalk Citizen News in the baskets.
There was then a discussion of Ledgebrook and other condominiums and whether or not they should be allowed to have every household be a member as we do with single-family houses. The decision was made to form a committee of Galen, Linda and Ken to look into the matter.
The Ambassadors Committee agreed to meet Thursday night at Linda’s house at 7:30.
Anthony reported that there is debris on the side of the road on Douglass Drive. There is also a huge problem with the parking at NCC. A decision was made to contact City Hall and email the Mayor.
Chris announced that the Holiday Party is scheduled for December 7th. The next Board meeting will be November 7th.
Linda made a motion to adjourn. Donna seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary