West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
October 1, 2007
Minutes West Norwalk Association Board of Directors Meeting
October 1, 2007
Directors in attendance: Peggy Yff, Ron Paladino, William Van Deventer, Jim Hirshfield, Bob Wagman, Charles Wilhelm, Joel Zaremby, Linda Forcellina for Jim Visitors: Gay Mac Leod, Chris Potts, Alton Landsman Meeting was called to order at 7:35 at the home of Peggy Yff because of notice of $75 charge to use the usual room at NCC.
There were no minutes of the August meeting since it dealt only with plans for the annual meeting.
The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Old Business
1. Regina Krummel has expressed a desire to serve on the Board but was unable to attend this meeting. If she attends the November 5 meeting, she will be asked to introduce herself to the Board and answer questions of Board members at that time.
2. Annual meeting
Board members expressed satisfaction with the structure of the meeting and the good interaction of those who attended with speakers and invited guests. Particular notice was made of the good job Hal Alvord did in answering questions regarding flooding and road repair issues.
Peggy will send thank you notes to all those who signed the proclamation and any invited people who attended. In addition, she will thank Shoprite and the Cingaris for supplying refreshments.
3. Joel reported that the Running Club is responsible for painting the yellow arrows we have all seen on the pavement. The paint is permanent, so Hal Alvord has notified Parks and Rec to remove it.
4. Board elections were held and the following officers were appointed for 2007-8:
- President: Peggy Yff
- Vice President: Ron Paladino
- Treasurer: Jim Forcellina
- Secretary: Joel Zaremby
5. Peggy introduced Chris Potts who lives on Nursery Street as a nominee to serve on the Board. Chris introduced himself and explained his interest in serving as well as his background as the financial officer of a company. The Board unanimously voted to accept Chris as a Board member. The meeting then turned to a presentation of concerns by Alton Landsman who lives on Nursery Street. Alton expressed dismay about two particular segments of local roads: Lower Nursery Street and the intersection of Fillow and Little Fox Lane. After much discussion and a summary of what Hal Alvord told the Association about road repair schedules, the Board decided:
- Bob Wagman will get information regarding a state service to which the Board might make complaints about city roads.
- Skip offered to take photos and make measurements.
- Chris and Joel will contact people on Nursery Road for concerns.
- Peggy will write a cover letter after this information is gathered.
Bulb planting will still be held on October 7 at 11:00 despite lack of response from WNA members. In order to encourage new members, Board members will distribute a letter in their neighborhood asking people to contact our website to submit their e-mail address and possibly participate in a survey or poll. Skip will write the letter, the Board members will comment, and then he will e-mail the final draft so that each member can print his or her own. Each Board member needs to send the street(s) he/she will cover to Skip.
Regarding a meeting place, Peggy will write a letter to the President of NCC requesting the use of a room for the monthly meetings at no cost as has been done in the past.
A motion was passed to have the Holiday party at Dolce if a date and the same cost as last year can be arranged. If Dolce is not possible, Peggy will contact the Board regarding another choice.
CNNA meeting: Bob Wagman will send update on re-evaluations to Board members.
New Business
Peggy will send a summary of concerns written on WNA applications for consideration at the November meeting.
Peggy asked each member to choose a city department to supervise and report that choice at the next meeting.
Other issues on the agenda were postponed to the next meeting because of time.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25.