West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
November 9, 2009
Minutes of the West Norwalk Association
November 9, 2009
Those present were: Joel Zaremby, Galen Wells, Bob Wagman, Regina Krummel, Linda Forcellina, Jeff Danziger, and Candide Valadares. Chris Potts, Jim Forcellina, Ron Paladino and Gay Mac Leod were guests. Martin O’Connell and Margaret Karl were there as guests and were later voted on the Board.
The newly elected President, Joel Zaremby, called the meeting to order at 7:35. Joel welcomed the Board and visitors to the first meeting of the new Board term.
The Minutes of the September meeting were presented. Bob Wagman moved to accept the Minutes as written. Linda Forcellina seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Forcellina presented the Treasurer’s Report. There was a discussion of the cost of the Annual Meeting. It should have been about $1,500 but the cost was about $500 higher because they had to set up food for a second time after the business meeting. Linda agreed to follow up with Peggy about the extra cost and the arrangements for the Holiday Party. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Ron Brown and seconded by Jeff Danziger. All those present voted to accept the report except Bob Wagman who abstained.
Martin O’Connell and Margaret Karl introduced themselves. Bob Wagman moved to elect them to the Board of Directors. Linda Forcellina seconded the motion. All those present unanimously voted to add Martin O’Connell and Margaret Karl to the Board of Directors.
The Holiday party will be held on December 15th at Dolce. Linda and Peggy will work on the Holiday Card. Ron Paladino agreed to handle a raffle for the holiday party. A raffel had been a good fundraiser in the past.
Last year the holiday Party cost $1,679.00. Peggy will confirm the costs for this year.
There was a discussion of using Fox Run School for our meetings. We would meet on the nights the PTO meets and that may help us attract new young members. On the other hand, the nights of our meetings would be erratic instead of the first Monday of the Month. Linda agreed to fax us all the dates. A decision was made to discuss the issue further at our next meeting on December 7th.
There was a discussion of our insurance. A motion was made, seconded and passed to move our insurance to State Farm and save $102.
Next there was a discussion of speakers at our meetings. Nora King, President Levinson and the new Principal at Fox Run School were examples of possible speakers. The group agreed that we would have speakers about every other month and ask them to speak before our regular business meeting.
There was a discussion of the invitation to speak at a West Norwalk Association meeting that had been extended to the leaders of the group who propose building a Mosque on Fillow Street. The Condominium Association spoke to us previously and the decision was to have the leaders of the Mosque speak to the Board and not to create a community forum at this time.
A motion to adjourn was made by Linda Forcellina and Seconded by Bob Wagman. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary