West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
November 12, 2012
NOVEMBER 12, 2012
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Linda Forcellina, Gay Mac Leod, Regina Krummel, Candide Valadares, Anthony Carrano, Donna Dollé and Ron Paladino. Bill Krummel was a guest.
Review/approve Minutes of October meeting: Approved by Anthony Carrano and seconded by Candide Valadares.
Treasurer’s Report: January meeting, we will review all funds coming in, including events, raffles, auctions, and our spending level.
Treasurer’s Report was approved by Regina Krummel and Seconded by Ron Paladino.
Old Business
1. Oak Hills Driving Range update: Anthony Carrano met with the Super of the Golf Course. He was left with the impression that nothing was going on at this time. He will reach out again in early December. Bill Krummel said that the November 15th meeting as all meetings regarding the driving range are open to the public. We can learn more information about it on Norwalk.gov/agenda.
Bill Krummel reported on the features to focus on with the driving range. The Park Authority is badly in need of money. They have taken loans from the City and are looking for sources of income. They are serious about the driving range as a source.
They currently have a short range “practice range,” but want a long range “driving range.” One possible site for the driving range would require blasting and a lot of construction/destruction and would interfere with conservation trails.
They are committed to go ahead with the project and will go ahead with an RFQ. They don’t at this time have enough details for an RFP. The next meeting is Thursday, November 15 at City Hall, 7:30 PM, room 101.
2. CNNA report: Regina Krummel was stuck in the airport and was unable to attend last month’s meeting.
3. Bringing in new due paying members: Regina and Bill Krummel presented the idea of trying to contact neighbors who may be in need during a crisis such as the recent storm “Sandy.” The idea is to be able to open up their homes for warmth, power, services; such as clearing downed branches, batteries, showers, chain saws, even offering company for people who may be living alone and just need comfort. The discussion brought up the problems with logistics of how to make this work, although all agreed that the idea was good, if it could be done. Some of the problems mentioned were: 1) Do we want strangers coming into our homes? 2) How do we contact people if they have no power or if the person volunteering has no power? 3) How do we deal with access either to or from the volunteer homes?
This idea will remain a discussion item.
3. Business discounts for WNA members: Anthony Carrano will continue to contact vendors to see if they are willing to offer discounts to dues paying members.
4. Review Holiday Party assignments:
- Check-in table: Candide Valadares, Ken D’Arinzo, Jim Forcellina, Galen Wells and Regina Krummel
- Updated lists: Donna Dollé
- Pens/clicker/name tags/raffle tickets: Ken D’Arinzo
- Running the raffle: Anthony Carrano, Ron Paladino
- Copies of 2013 applications: Gay MacLeod
- Silent Auction: 2 baskets this year, will re-consider for next year. Each Board Member to donate $10 for the baskets (Cost at this time around $104)
- Gay MacLeod and Linda Forcellina will create the baskets.
- Create box on check-in table for collecting funds for scholarship: Anthony Carrano
New Business
1. Holiday party advertising: Holiday post card created- Donna Dollé sent the card to the Printer for the mailing along with the updated Member list and sent the card to Valerie for the website. Anthony Carrano will take care of the signs two weeks before the event and will purchase missing letters. Gay MacLeod and Linda Forcellina will take care of the e-mail blast and newspaper alerts. Candide Valadares will update Facebook.
2. Thank you notes for contributors over $100. Donna Dollé will provide a list of contributors of over $100 to Gay MacLeod, Linda Forcellina and Regina Krummel. They will write thank you notes for the donations and request at some future date that they give to the scholarship fund.
4. Welcome neighbor baskets: Linda Forcellina presented the list of new neighbors who need to receive baskets. Linda and Gay MacLeod made up 9 baskets for delivery. The following people will deliver these baskets:
Anthony Carrano: 3 Huckleberry Drive, 16 Watering Lane
Galen Wells: 6 Ridge Farms Road, 21 Princes Pine
Candide Valadares: 271 Fillow Street
Donna Dollé: 29 Old Rock Lane
Ken D’Arinzo: 9 Morehouse Lane
Ron Paladino: 2 Timothy Road, 7 Fireside Court
5. Food drive at holiday party: Regina Krummel will bring boxes for the food drive. The procedures were handed out to each attending Board Member. The procedures need to be e-mailed to the missing Board Members by Gay MacLeod.
NEXT Board meeting Monday, January 7. We will skip board meeting for December due to the Holiday Party.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Dollé, Secretary