West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
May 2, 2011
Minutes of the West Norwalk Association
May 2, 2011
Those Board Members present were: Galen Wells, Regina Krummel, Linda Forcellina, Bob Wagman, Chris Potts, Ron Paladino, Ron Brown, Candide Valadares, and Anthony Carrano. Donna Dolle’, Jamie Herman, Leslie Herman and Gay Mac Leod were guests.
The Vice President, Chris Potts, called the meeting to order at 7:34. Chris welcomed the Board and visitors to the meeting.
The minutes of the April meeting that were kindly taken by Gay Mac Leod were presented. Several minor corrections were made including the report of the discussion of the fire hydrants. The nearest fire hydrant for house that burned down was in Darien and the equipment did not reach. Candide Valadares moved that the Board accept the minutes as presented. Linda Forcellina seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
The Treasurer’s report was presented. Linda Forcellina said that there was a charge paid for the web site of $40.00 and Candide reported that the cost of the Old Rock replacement sign was $200.00. On a Motion from Bob Wagman, the Treasurer’s Report was tabled until next month.
The Board then discussed adding new members. Donna Dolle’ expressed an interest in the Board. She is a realtor. Before that she was the business manager at a private school. She lives on Geneva Road and has lived in West Norwalk for 17 years. Jamie and Leslie Herman moved to Norwalk a year ago and want to have more involvement in the community. Jamie does IT work and Leslie is an accountant. Donna Dolle’ was unanimously voted on the Board and Jamie and Leslie will decide which one of them wants to be on the Board by the next meeting.
The Ambassadors Committee will have a meeting after the Board meeting and report at the next Board meeting. Donna Dolle’ became a member of the committee.
The next subject of discussion was the expansion of the boarders of the West Norwalk Association. The letter Chris Potts drafted was proposed for inclusion in the notice of the Annual Meeting. Regina Krummel, who had been on the Expansion Committee, said she did not understand the rationale for increasing the borders. There was discussion of the rationale and the pros and cons. The Expansion Committee unanimously approved Chris’s letter. Because the expansion of the borders of the WNA requires an amendment to the Constitution of the WNA, Chris’s memo must be brought to the membership through the Annual Meeting’s News Letter. It will also be posted on line. The membership would then need to approve the expansion as drafted at the Annual Meeting and the Board elected at the Annual Meeting would then implement the instructions of the membership at their second meeting. The Board suggested that there should be a meets and bounds description of the new borders as there is for the existing borders in Article III of the Constitution. Donna and Bob Wagman agreed to drive the borders and make up such a description. Linda Forcellina moved that the Board approve the letter as amended by the meets and bounds description and Anthony Carrano seconded the motion. The motion was passed in a 9 to 1 vote.
Articles for the news Letter were the next subjects for discussion. Linda Forcellina said she would write an article about the Little League Team or an article about Margaret Karl’s memories of the area. Bob Wagman will write an article about flooding and Regina Krummel will write an article about the New Health Center and Adult Education Lifetime Learners at NCC.
New Business: The Board needs a Nominating Committee before the Annual Meeting in the fall. Upon Regina Krummel’s motion, which was seconded by Donna Dolle’, the Board voted to defer to Joel to set up a committee.
Bob Wagman reported on the flooding. Luckily there has not been a big flood since 2007. SWRPA hired a consultant. Bob is on the committee studying the flooding and will suggest that the 5 Mile River be added to the study. Congressman Himes has not forgotten the issue and the Federal Government has control of the issue now but, unfortunately, there is no money. Bob will remain on the committee but progress is slow.
The Board formed a committee to look into a summer event. Candide, Anthony, Donna, Gay, Leslie and Linda will be on the committee.
Bob made a motion to adjourn and Ron seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary