West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
March 3, 2003
Minutes West Norwalk Association Board of Directors Meeting
March 3rd, 2003
President Peter O’Hare called the meeting of the West Norwalk Association to order at 7:36pm
Board Members Present: Peter O’Hara, Sam Jones, Chris Bryan, David Frishkorn, Bob Wagman, Bill Krummel, Skip Wilhelm, Barbara Andrews, Manuel llorca, Alan Murnick, Tina Staples
Presenters Present: N / A
WNA Neighbors Present:, Valerie Martin, Betsy McGowan, Tony Kurche’, Carl Blair, Regina Krummel
Presentations: N/A
Regular Meeting
Acceptance of Board Meeting Minutes of February 3rd, 2003: The minutes of February 3rd, 2003 were presented with two corrections. A motion was made by Manuel llorca and seconded by Sam Jones to accept the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Publicity: It was stated that Gigi Schmidt and Penny Hoffman had finished working on the West Norwalk association newsletter and that the digital version was ready for final printing and distribution.
Treasurer’s Report: David Frishkorn received 3 checks for membership dues totaling $75 dollars which was added to the current previous balance of $5652.42. There were two checks written one for $450.00 to the retained attorney for the Prudential application review, and a $50 check for planning and zoning reports. Skip Wilhelm made a motion to accept the financial report which was seconded by Alan Murnick. The motion passed unanimously.
Prudential: Neighbor Betsy McGowan brought in the newest version of the Prudential zoning application. Mannuel Llorca stated that the attorney (Peter Straussberger) had gotten the retainer check and the appropriate documents and was in the process of setting up a meeting with Mike Green, the attorney representing Prudential.
A discussion arose about how to keep the neighbors informed with the most current information through the West Norwalk Association. A channel to share information as it became available was discussed. A debate then occurred about the upcoming deadlines for the planning and zoning board meetings with regards to the Prudential issue. It was at this point that Bill Krummell put forth a motion stating the following in summary:
“Be it resolved: The West Norwalk Association Board of Directors does not support the proposed amendment nor the variance by special permit and respectfully requests the Zoning Commission and the ZBA to deny application for amendment and for variance by special permit.”
It was seconded by Chris Bryan.
An open forum discussion followed from each director about the proposed motion, which brought up the issue of possibly replacing the motion with a letter from the WNA. Each director shared their opinions openly. A vote was then made on the motion. There were eight against, two for, and one abstention.
Sam Jones, David Frishkorn, Bob Wagman, Skip Wilhelm, Barbara Andrews, Manuel Llorca, Alan Murnick, Tina Staples voted against the motion. Bill Krummell and Chris Bryan voted for the motion. Peter O’ Hare abstained.
Manuel Llorca then put forth a motion of sending a letter to the Planning and Zoning Board on behalf of the West Norwalk Association that re-iterated the current ongoing concerns of the West Norwalk Association as outlined in the previous meetings and minutes. It was seconded by Bob Wagman. A vote was then made on the motion. There were ten for and one against
Sam Jones, David Frishkorn, Bob Wagman, Skip Wilhelm, Barbara Andrews, Manuel Llorca, Alan Murnick, Tina Staples, Peter O’Hare and Chris Bryan voted for the motion. Bill Krummell voted against.
Roads and Public Works: Alan Murnick reported that a request was made for a three way stop sign to be placed at the intersection of Fillow and Foxrun as well as another for Fillow as it rolls around the baseball field and comes down the hill. It was mention that this was on the Roads and Public Works agenda for a traffic study. Currently there are 60 different traffic studies being requested throughout Norwalk.
Spinnaker: Peter O’Hare mentioned that he sent a letter to the Planning and Zoning Board on behalf of the West Norwalk Association stating the serious concerns in the density of development being planned. Skip Wilhelm attended the meeting on Spinnaker were their conservation permit for the Zone D property was approved. It was mentioned that they have been put on the fast track for action. A discussion followed about the development and its impact.
Planning and Zoning: Bob Wagman mentioned that Velocity Sports had been approved in their request for zoning and that Costco had been approved for a tire center.
It was then brought forth that there is a concern over a portion of Maywood that has deed restrictions with 2 acre divisions. A request for splitting the 2 acre lots into two one acres had been made by one of the residents. Planning and Zoning had let the subdivision pass into two one acres plots and Bob question what stance if any the West Norwalk Association could take, as some of the residents were worried about the implications. As both parties are both members the West Norwalk Association a discussion followed. Mannuel stated the neighbors themselves with reciprocal land have hired their own lawyer to act on their behalf.
Barbara Andrews brought up making a donation to the West Norwalk Church to support their upkeep. A discussion followed about comparative budgets and it was decided that each director could make donations on their own behalf individually.
A motion to adjourn was made by Alan Murnick and seconded by Tina Staples. It was unanimously approve. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Bryan
Upcoming Calendar:
Subject to Change Without Notice
March – Newsletter Release
March 19th – Prudential hearing opened (with no input).
March 19th – Spinnaker hearing.
March 29th – Potluck Dinner At West Norwalk Chapel. At 7pm.
April 23rd – Amendment and special permit hearing for Prudential.
April 23rd – Open forum for Spinnaker
To be announced.