West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013
Board Members present were: Gay Mac Leod, Linda Forcellina, Ken D’Arinzo Galen Wells, Anthony Carrano, Ron Paladino, and Candide Valadares. Brian Forchino, Phyllis Weisberg, and Mike Lesko were absent.
Co- President Gay Mac Leod, called the meeting to order at 7:32.
Co-Presiden LindaForcellina presented the Minutes and said she wanted to add the names of the scholarship recipients. Galen said they had been added and passed out a corrected copy. Ken moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Ron seconded the motion. The Minutes were unanimously accepted.
Ken made the Treasure’s Report. The total in the Treasury was $5,825 which accounted for the $1,200 scholarship. Ron moved that we accept the report and Anthony seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted.
Linda than discussed the survey. She said that almost all of the 154 people who voted thought they lived in West Norwalk. 71.4% of those people were in favor of the proposed driving range. Linda, after checking the description of West Norwalk boundaries in our Constitution and looking at a street map, determined that only 123 residents really lived within our borders. In addition, only one vote per address was allowed. Of those votes, 69% were in favor. Linda will put the results on the web site and publish them in a letter to the editor in the Hour. The Board will continue to take a neutral position. Once an RFP is accepted, we will review it. Ron moved that we continue to monitor the situation and to inform our neighbors. Anthony seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Ron offered to find the original boundaries that were published in the phone book.
Anthony discussed the fact that there was no rain date in the rentals for the family day we planned as part of the Annual Meeting. Therefore, we will go back to the traditional plan but work on a family day for next summer. The Restaurant at Oak Hills will be the venue for the meeting which will be held on September 15th. The cost will be around $1,000.
The Board then discussed the annual Newsletter that must go out in August. Linda will write an article about Brien McMahon describing who he was and his accomplishments. Gay will write about rain barrels. Ken will write about the Kellogg Cemetery. Anthony will contact last year’s advertisers, but he cannot do this alone. Everyone was urged to ask local businesses for ads.
The Board then discussed increasing membership dues because we need more funds to support our projects. Candide made a motion to increase the dues to $40 for a family, $60 for a supporter and $100 for a patron. Ken seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Gay moved that we give $300 to Fox Run School as we did last year. Candide seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Gay will contact Principal Jim Martinez to present the donation.
Linda will attend the Brien McMahon Awards Assembly on June 4 to present the scholarships.
Summer meetings will be at Linda’s house. The next meeting will be at 7:30 on July 1st.
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary