West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
June 2, 2014
June 2, 2014
Board members present: Gay Mac Leod, Linda Forcellina, Ron Paladino, Lucy Orecco, Ken D’Arinzo, Galen Wells, Rebecca Oresman, Anthony Carrano. Anthony & Kathy Alves were guests.
Linda Forcellina called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
The Board reviewed the May meeting minutes. Rebecca moved, Ron seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the May minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Ken D’Arinzo
As of June 2nd, the Bank balance was $5,205 before the withdrawal for the 2 Brien McMahon scholarships. Ken noted that as most donations come in at the end of the year the Board needs to be careful to monitor cash flows.
Ken provided a breakout of all 2013 expenses and noted that the largest expenses were (i) the Holiday Party ($2,400), (ii) the Newsletter ($1,250), (iii) Scholarships ($1,200), and (iv) theAnnual Meeting ($1,000). In the coming months we will incurs costs related to the annual insurance payment ($475) and a 50% deposit for Dolce for the 2013 Holiday Party. The constant contact membership is good through 2015.
Lucy has agreed to manage the Facebook account and Rebecca will manage the newsletter, publications and other media. Brian agreed to download the annual not for profit application form that will need to be filed shortly.
Oak Hills Update – Anthony Carrano / Ken D’Arinzo
Anthony attended the public hearing last week where it was discussed that the Oak Hills Park Authority’s (“OHPA”) request for $4.0M of funding from the City of Norwalk is holding up the process. Total Range Solutions prepared a master plan for the entire golf course at no charge. Some residents are not happy with the process OHPA followed and the fact that Total Range Solutions was engaged to do the master plan.
Website Update – Linda Forcellina / Rebecca Oresman / Ken D’Arinzo
The website has been updated and the advertisement of Clean-Up Day was removed and replaced with an article providing highlights of the event. Rebecca and Ken agreed to coordinate on future updates of the website. The Board discussed the possibility of moving certain information on the website to a separate “archive” tab to help clean up the page.
Habitat for Humanity Update – Linda Forcellina
Habitat for Humanity had wanted to build 3 houses in the wooded area between Norwalk Community College (“NCC”) and Priscilla Road. When the City initially turned this property over to NCC, it was with the caveat that nothing would be built in the area Habitat was proposing for the 3 houses. As a result, Habitat to Humanity has withdrawn its proposal to build in the area.
Scholarship Update – Gay Mac Leod
The presentation of both scholarships will be Wednesday, June 4th at Brien McMahon High School. Linda will present the two winners with their checks.
Family Fun Day – Anthony Carrano
- Flyers – Rebecca will design an 11” x 17” advertising poster which we will look to post in high traffic areas around town. Gay agreed to speak to the Fox Run Principal to see if we could put posters up in the school. The Board agreed it would not be practical to put flyers in every child’s homework folders. The Board agreed to send out an e-mail blast and put an article in the Norwalk Hour. Galen has lawn signs. Rebecca will look into the cost of laminating them. Anthony will speak to the West Norwalk Nursery School and Ponus Ridge Middle School about posting flyers there. The Board also discussed approaching Oak Hills Golf Course, the Oak Hills Restaurant and Temple Shalom.
- West Norwalk resident and New York Life employee Frank DiGregorio has agreed to set up a table to make ID cards for children.
- The Norwalk Fire Department has agreed to provide a fire truck for 1 hr. and will have items to pass out to the children.
- SoNo Ice Cream Company has agreed to provide an ice cream truck for 2 hrs. As a donation, SoNo Ice Cream Company will give back 15% of his profits to the NWA if they sell 50 items.
- Gay has arranged for 2 rescue dogsto be available for the entire event.The Board agreed to allow the handler to put out a donation jar.
- Two teachers from Norwalk Nursery School agreed to paint children’s faces. Gay will find out if we need to supply the supplies.
- Anthony is ordering balloons with the WNA logo and will look into the cost of helium tank rentals.
- Linda and Galen agreed to do the food shopping at Costco on Friday, July 11th.
- Advertising – Website article, e-mail blast, newspaper article
- Linda, Ken, Rebecca, Brian (2) and Anthony (3) agreed to bring folding tables.
- Linda (8) and Brian (4) agreed to bring folding chairs.
- The Board will consider whether there are additional games that can be set up for the children.
- Ken will look into renting a karaoke machine.
- A table will be set up to sell tickets for food and the bouncy houses and to collect 2014 membership forms.
- Generators to run the bouncy houses and food are $65 each. The Board agreed to get 3 generators, one for each bouncy house and one for the food and PA system.
- Galen and Brian agreed to bring coolers. Board members will also be asked to provide ice.
- Food will include: Hot dogs, chips, water, popcorn & cotton candy.
- Attractions will include: Two bouncy houses, face painting, Fire Truck and rescue dogs.
Proposed Staffing:
- RonPalladino– Hot dog cart
- Galen & Stuart Wells– Membership Forms / Tickets
- Ken & DebD’Arinzo –
- Rebecca Oresman– Cotton Candy / Popcorn
- Brian & Julia Forschino–
- LucyArreco–
- Anthony, Tammy & BradleyCarrano –
- Anthony & Kathy Alves – Bouncy House
- Linda Forcellina –
- Gay Mac Leod& JoelZaremby –
The Board also considered asking the scholarship participants to help out to the extent additional assistance is needed.
The Board agreed to charge one $1 ticket for:
- A hot dog and bag of chips
- 16oz bottle of water
- Bouncy House
- Slide
- Cotton Candy
- Popcorn
- Face Painting
Rebecca moved to adjourn the meeting and Galen seconded. The meeting was closed at 9:03pm.