West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
July 7, 2014
July 7, 2014
Meeting held at Linda Forcellina’s home
Those present: Gay Mac Leod, LindaForcellina, Galen Wells, Ken D’Arinzo; Ron Paladino, Anthony Carrano, Rebecca Oresman. Absent: Lucy Arrecco and Brian Forschino.
The minutes were approved with one correction: Ken D’Arinzo’s name was misspelled.
Treasurer’s report: The two checks for scholarships were cashed.We paid $200 for our yearly fee for sorted bulk mailing. The motion to accept was approved.
Oak Hills Report: Anthony said there was nothing new to report.
CNNA: Anthony reported on the situation regarding eminent domain as it affects an elderly man whose house will be demolished to enlarge parking at the East Norwalk Train Station. A letter protesting this use of eminent domain was sent from the CNNA and they asked our organization to sign. After discussion, the board decided not to sign the letter.
The builders of the proposed mall requested a presentation of their plans and the board decided that we should invite the builders to a monthly meeting or to the annual meeting.
Website changes: Ken reported that he and Rebecca were not able to transfer website management to Rebecca in the time estimated. They hope to transition by September 1.
Valerie sent a bill for the last 3 months but Ken did not see it and so requested a copy from Gay.
Gay announced that the tree ruined in the winter has been replaced. It is a pin oak. She is working on having several more tree replacements added soon.
Anthony asked for ideas for Eagle Scouts’ projects.
Family Fun Day:
- Linda reported that she has arranged 4 games with prizes and teenagers who will volunteer to run them.
- Gay asked for approval to donate $50 to the K-9 Rescue organization. This was approved.
- Galen and Linda will shop for food on Thursday.
- Galen offered to have her husband get all the ice we will need.
- Gay and Linda reviewed the assignments of board members and others and changes were made to satisfy everyone.
- Confirmations have been made for the K-9 dogs, the face painters, the ice cream truck, the fire truck, the bouncy house and slide.
- Ken will get cash and pay the vendor.
- Anthony asked for volunteers to attach string to the balloons.
A long, lively and sometimes contentious discussion was held about our position regarding the Mosque.An accusation was made that the board, in 2012, did not take stand because we were “running scared.” Gay pointed out that we had done exactly what we had decided to in the past: present both sides of the issue and let residents make their own decisions. Linda pointed out that we had a survey that was published in the paper indicating that the majority of people who replied were opposed to the Mosque as it was proposed then.
Because the majority of those present insisted on our taking a stand this time, Linda agreed to write an article for the Hour and send it to board members for approval. Galen offered to help her so that we had all the legal issues correct.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Forcellina (with Rebecca’s notes)