West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
January 10, 2010
Minutes of the West Norwalk Association
January 10, 2010
Those Board Members present were: Joel Zaremby, Galen Wells, Regina Krummel, Linda Forcellina, Margaret Karl, Ron Brown and Candide Valadares. Ron Paladino and Gay Mac Leod were guests.
The President, Joel Zaremby, called the meeting to order at 7:38. Joel welcomed the Board and visitors to the meeting.
The Minutes of the December meeting were presented. Candide Valadares moved to accept the Minutes as written. Regina Krummel seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Forcellina presented the Treasurer’s Report and the proposed budget for 2010. There were 140 people at the Holiday Party at Dolce. The charge was $8.00 per person and there was no charge for children. The party was a great success and brought in more than the expected revenue.
The web site expenses continue to be high. Joel appointed a subcommittee to look into web site expenses. The subcommittee is Gay MacLeod, Chris Potts, Ron Brown and Galen Wells. The current person who administers the web site was hired by Peggy and charges $40 per hour. Everyone agreed that the charge is reasonable but if we can do more of the work ourselves, we can reduce costs and make more frequent up dates. Joel thought that it cost $75 to advertize on the web site and in the two annual newsletters. He will check with Bob Wagman.
Linda pointed out that the proposed budget has a cost of $4,000 for the two parties. Most of the expenses in the budget are reasonable estimates. We spend everything we take in each year so there is very little room for donations.
Candide Valadares moved that the board accept the Treasurer’s Report as drafted. Margaret Karl seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously passed.
The Board next discussed a revision of the by Laws to allow Board members to remain on the Board for more than 6 years with the understanding that they cannot be an officer in their 7th year. Ron Paladino reported that Peggy thought it was good to have members forced to leave the Board to get new blood on the Board. Some Board members do not want to stay on. David Fishkorn, for example, served on the Board but is no longer interested.
Ron Paladino is interested and others may be as well. Regina Krummel suggested that if we change this By Law, we should look at the by Laws as a whole and see if other revisions should be made. The By Laws can be amended by a simple majority vote. Linda made a motion to revise the By Laws to reelect Ron Paladino to the Board. Candide seconded the motion and the members present unanimously voted to reelect Ron Paladino to the Board of Directors. Joel will ask Bob Wagman to select and head up a committee to review the By Laws as a whole.
There was a discussion about how to increase participation in the West Norwalk Association. Joel appointed a subcommittee of Candide, Regina, Gay and Linda to look into methods like calls, emails and neighborhood captains etc to get word of the association to more people.
Joel suggested that the West Norwalk Association sponsor a baseball team at Fox Run as a community event and donation. There was agreement that it was a good idea and Joel will look into it.
The next meeting will be at Fox Run School on February 11th in the faculty lounge. Linda will call the Principal to ask him to speak and to confirm that we will use the space. There was discussion about a donation to Fox Run School. Linda moved and Regina seconded a motion to donate $200.00
There was a discussion about the Mosque. Joel said that, as a matter of religious freedom, if there are churches and temples in the area and the zoning allows houses of worship, there should be no objection to a Mosque. People talked about the small lot size and the traffic. The conclusion was that the Association should not take a position. The proposed Mosque is out side of the boarders of the Association and individuals can attend the hearings on the Mosque and voice their opinions.
Joel said that he would ask Bob Wagman, in his capacity as Vice President, to have oversight over all of the committees established by the Board.
Ron Brown made a motion to adjourn. Margaret Karl seconded the motion, which was unanimously passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary