West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
December 8, 2008
Minutes West Norwalk Association
Board of Directors Meeting
December 8, 2008
Directors in attendance: Peggy Yff, Ron Paladino, Joel Zaremby, Chris Potts, Bob Wagman, James Forcellina, Regina Krummel.
Guests: Gay Mac Leod, Candide Valadanes
Meeting called to order at 7:35 PM.
November minutes approved.
Treasurers’ report showed $6,210.42 as of Nov. 30, approved.
Old Business
Holiday Party: Estimate to be given to Dolce of 165 guests to attend the party. Also ask them for easels and microphone. Bring list of residents who paid 2008 dues and applications for 2009 dues. We will have raffle again to raise funds.
Flooding: Jim Himes will be coming to Bob Wagman’s house for a meeting on the flooding issues on December 10. Representatives from New Canaan, Norwalk and Darien will attend.
New Business
WNA Boundaries: A discussion took place as to whether we redesign our boundaries to include other streets in the surrounding area. Chris Potts and Bob Wagman will collaborate on wording to change the bylaws to allow residents who border WN to join the association and become members of the board. This will be sent for consideration of the board members prior to our January meeting.
Public Works Letter: A letter will be sent to Public Works thanking them for moving Geneva and Nursery Sts. paving ahead of schedule as requested by the WNA.
Other Items: Ron to contact newspapers to place notice of Holiday party. City forced eyesore house on Richards and Fillow to clean up the exterior. We were unaware if Dolce had filed with planning and zoning.
Next meeting January 5.
Meeting adjourned 8:55pm.