West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
August 6, 2007
Minutes West Norwalk Association Board of Directors Meeting
August 6, 2007
Directors in attendance: Peggy Yff, Ron Paladino, William Van Deventer, Charles (Skip) Wilhelm, Joel Zaremby, Linda Forcellina for Jim Forcellina
Visitor: Gay Mac Leod
Since we found NCC closed because of mechanical problems, the Board meeting was held on a picnic table in front of the college.
Meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM.
The minutes of the July 2 meeting were approved and accepted.
The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Old Business:
1. The watering of the 2 islands was discussed again and the only solution seems to be getting water from Fox Run School. Skip Wilhelm will check with the principal, Al Triedel, about this possibility.
2. Website:
a. Skip Wilhelm continues to work on the site but needs more photographs, school information, meeting schedules and the like to include in a neighborhood calendar. Ponus Ridge Middle School and Brien McMahon High School information will be included because, although they are not in West Norwalk, most of the local children attend these schools.
b. Peggy Yff will write an open letter to the community from the President of the Association. She will also write an update about the city Master Plan and how it impacts West Norwalk.
c. Skip noted that to use the Bulletin Board everyone needs to register and he encouraged Board members to contribute comments.
d. Peggy also noted that we need to find people to assist Skip with the site.
3. The Donation Letter is finally completed and ready to be included with the Newsletter.
4. Peggy and Skip will meet to discuss possible advertisers for the Newsletter.
5. The annual meeting: Peggy said she would know tomorrow about the date we wanted in September. Update: The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 23, at 3:00 in East Campus. Skip or Peggy will contact Hilton Garden Hotel the possibility of their providing refreshments at no cost to the Association.
6. Update: The West Norwalk Meeting House did receive the $10,000 requested from the state and a ceremony was held on August 5 to present the check.
New Business:
1. The Association received a complaint about the landscaping of the island at Ponus Ridge and Fox Run. Peggy sent a letter to Public Works regarding the size of the signs and asking the procedure by which permission is granted for businesses to adopt such spaces.
Ron Paladino called David Shockley to report our concern and noted that the second sign advertizing the landscaping company had been removed by our meeting time. The sign can only be 24 inches high and DPW will check to be sure the new sign meets that requirement. Ron also noted that anyone can request to adopt a spot to landscape. In this case, the name of the company appears in small letters at the bottom of the Welcome to Norwalk sign.
2. Peggy thanked Ron Paladino for noting the article in the Norwalk Hour announcing the sale of the Dolce property. Ron immediately called Chris Dolce who assured us that the Dolces will continue to manage the property and intend to maintain the fine relationship established with WNA.
3. Board members discussed the advantage of representatives from the association attending city meetings which might impact West Norwalk issues. Skip suggested that a letter be drafted and sent to the heads of departments at City Hall reminding them of the need to contact the WNA Board when appropriate.
4. It was suggested also that a West Norwalk Community information meeting be held at NCC in October or November to which department heads, other city officials, newspaper publishers, political candidates, and Channel 12 be invited to participate. West Norwalk residents would have an opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions.
5. Gay Mac Loud suggested that we set a date for planting bulbs at the two islands and announce that date at the annual meeting to encourage WNA participation and donations of bulbs.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 because of darkness and an attack of mosquitoes.