West Norwalk Association Board Meeting
April 22, 2010
Minutes of the West Norwalk Association
April 22, 2010
Those Board Members present were: Joel Zaremby, Galen Wells, Linda Forcellina, Margaret Karl, Martin O’Connell, Ron Brown, and Candide Valadares. Nora K. King, Anna Duleep, James Martinez, Elisa Nelson and Gay Mac Leod were guests.
The President, Joel Zaremby, called the meeting to order at 7:40. Joel welcomed the Board and visitors to the meeting.
Joel Zaremby presented Principal Martinez of Fox Run School with a check for $200 with the suggestion that the money be applied to the purchase of a smart Board. Principal Martinez thanked Joel and the Association. He said the donation would be most appreciated and would go a long way.
The Principal was then asked what the school need and what the Association and its members could do for the school. He said he would provide us with a wish list. He said the school always needs tutoring. There are many students who need to catch up and need torturing in Language Arts and other subjects. Anna Duleep, who is a certified math teacher, agreed to tutor students in Math. Linda Forcellina and Martin O’Connell also volunteered to tutor as well.
Nora King, one of our District E representatives on the Common Council, said she wants to know what our issues are. She wants to understand the needs of the district and urges anyone with a concern to call her. Her number is 203-866-6777.
Nora is concerned that education will suffer with budget cuts. She also said that she brings up the problems of the Five Mile River every month. She knows that it is a concern in West Norwalk.
She also thinks that there is very poor planning process in Norwalk. The approval of the purchase of the Globe Theater for an excessive price and the approval of financing for the Waypoint garages are examples. She feels there needs to be a better planning process put in place. We need development but we do not want to be a little Stamford. We have our own personality.
A general discussion of development followed. Martin O’Connell brought up the “open pit” in south Norwalk as an example of poorly planned development.
Anna Duleep discussed her experience with flooding issues on SWRPA. You must have a request for an Army Corps of Engineers study from a member of Congress. The study is a prerequisite for Federal funding of any remediation. Our previous Congressman helped Westchester County get such a study. Jim Himes attended a SWRPA meeting and was told about the issues we have with flooding throughout Fairfield County, including West Norwalk, and made a request for a study. It is now in the appropriations bill.
On the local level, we need cooperation between neighboring towns to control flooding of the Five Mile River. New Canaan has a study that it is willing to share but Mayor Moccia said no. Norwalk has not done a study, so there is no way to put together an action plan for the length of the river. For example, if New Canaan widened a culvert under the Merritt to relieve flooding in New Canaan, it would increase flooding in West Norwalk.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were presented. Linda Forcellina made a motion to accept the minutes. Ron Brown seconded the motion and the motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Candide Valadares made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Martin O’Connell seconded the motion and it was passed
The By-Laws Committee reported that they would meet in early May. One of the issues would be to revisit the boundaries of West Norwalk.
The Web Site committee reported that Ron and Gay have found people who would work at less cost. We are currently spending about $40 per month. However, Valerie works with Peggy Girard and has done good work for us. There was general agreement to keep the web site where it is.
There was then a discussion of Keep Norwalk Beautiful Day. Gay Mac Leod is on the board and reported that the Mayor issued a proclamation and that the cleanup would take place in many venues across the city. We will have a cleanup at Fox Run School and the West Norwalk Association is expected to be out in force.
The meeting was adjourned 8:40. The next meeting will be held at Fox Run School on Monday, July 7th.
Respectfully submitted,
Galen Wells, Secretary