In gorgeous weather, on Saturday, May 3, 60 people volunteered to clean trash from our neighborhood. The West Norwalk Clean Up Day was again a success this year as we collected about 70 (Yes,70!) bags of trash. As usual, we passed out free garden gloves for volunteers to keep, along with free trash bags, coffee, donuts, and water. In addition, we loaned clippers and directed people where to collect the trash, including the particularly dirty areas.
Reverend Holly Adams and members of her Congregational Church helped too. She checked in her volunteers and presented each one with a T Shirt promoting their nursery school. Our new WNA banner was hung with pride and all agreed that it was easy to read from the road.
We had a few young people from buildOn work with us as well and they cleaned up the landtrust site. All in all, our annual Clean Up Day was a great success and we appreciated the many very positive responses we received from the community.