The West Norwalk Association is receiving calls about the recent and frequent sightings of coyotes, especially in regard to the lockdown of Ponus Ridge School. Our Board was provided information from a veterinarian and Director of Wildlife Crisis Center in Wilton . He works with and is licensed by the CT Department of Environmental Protection and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. He has given us important information which may alleviate the fears of people who have stereotypes and misinformation on coyotes in general.
Briefly, coyotes are wild dogs, intelligent and social. They are out during daylight because they are adapting to the suburban habitat and are curious. They primarily eat mice, and single coyotes have rarely attacked people, because it is easier to hunt a small mouse than a person. Coyotes will fix their eyes or stare at people from a distance, again they are curious. It does not mean they will attack, but you should keep your distance. The wooded habitat of the coyotes is being destroyed, so they are probably here to stay and should be welcomed for their contribution to the ecosystem.
Because the residents feel frightened, we have an informative, but harmless method to keep the coyotes from becoming too social and close to humans. This method is easy. It is called hazing. A person simply has to loudly clap hands, jump up and down, make a loud noise and face the coyote. You do not need to run away. More details can be found on the Humane Society Website.
Hopefully, our research and articles will calm the residents’ fears by giving them pertinent information. This is wildlife trying to adapt to suburban habitat and we will certainly see more of them as time goes by and should learn to live with them.
Thank you,
Co- Presidents of WNA – Linda Forcellina and Gay Mac Leod